Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Genealogy #67

I have never studied genealogy in the past. I would take the following steps to begin my genealogical research:

1. Talk to my parents, grandparents, aunts, & uncles and ask them about any information they would know about our family descendants. I would document everything that they tell me. Working backwards is the first step.

2. Take pictures of documents (birth, death, marriage) and keep a record of my findings.

3. Visit cemeteries where ancestors are buried and take note of the gravestone, there might be a birth or death date.

4. Research government records for vital records.

The Genealogy for Beginners website made an eye-opening remark that stated - “Don’t lose sight of the fact, that although there may be only ONE of you and you may have had 2 parents and 4 grandparents, you had 8 great grandparents, 16 gg grandparents, 32 ggg grandparents, 64 gggg grandparents, 128 ggggg grandparents, etc.”

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