Thursday, March 19, 2009

Potluck #56 - Twitter

1. I visited two Twitter celebrity profiles, Ashton Kutcher & Britney Spears. They both posted short comments on what they are up to right now. Ashton had a lot of religious posts and said that he had finished reading "The Shack", and it "forces you to find the God like features in everyone and everything." I never pictured him as a spiritual guy, since he is always cracking jokes and trying to be mischevious. Britney's posts talked about her kids and her upcoming Circus concert. She also had posted pictures of her kids and concert appearances. She said that she had gone bowling a couple of days ago, so she seemed down to earth. I would probably search Twitter every now and then to get updates on the celebrities who have Twitter profiles.

2. I used the search feature and looked up "Austrian man." About 50 hits pulled up, and they were either links to articles or people's Twitter profiles, commenting on the Austrian man's case. He was sentenced to life in prison for his horrendous crimes: locking up his daughter for 24 years in a small room underneath his house, raping her at least 3,000 times, fathering her seven chidlren, and causing the death of his twin baby by not seeking medical help for him. All of the Twitter posts stated the same thing, he deserves life in prison and more!

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