Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 9: #21

I visited the PodCast Valley site and I enjoyed listening to the "Butterball Turkey Talk". Since I am the one who will be responsible for cooking the turkey this year for my whole family, I really needed some much needed advice. I learned the difference between how to select from a fresh or frozen turkey, how big the turkey needs to be to feed my family (1.5 lbs per person, so 10 people=15 lbs turkey), & what temperature the turkey needs to cook in the oven (325). They also played a very interesting segment that happened a few years ago when a customer called the Butterball Turkey Line to say that she had washed her turkey with dish soap and water, but the turkey would not stop sudding. No need for this, just pat the turkey with a paper towel and it is ready to be cooked! I also added the feed to my Bloglines.

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